Monday, November 15, 2010

Friday News!

Joy between a mother and child!
Good morning all,

Is's Friday morning over here.  Just getting ready for breakfast down in the coffee shop.  Our hotel is right on the Pearl River.  It's the 4th longest river in China.  Guangzhou, where staying, is the 5th largest city with about 13 million people.  Things are going well for the three of us.  This is the first day that we don't need to go anywhere.  That's a big change from the other days.  Just have more paperwork to complete this afternoon.  Alaina sleeps well throughout the night.  She's also starting to eat some mashed up scrambled eggs, banana, a nice bowl of warm congee.  Doesn't like yogurt.... too cool.  She cries sometimes, but is happy and very curious most of the time.  She has also sneezed a few times (like some of the other girls) and we hope she isn't getting a cold.  We've had her for just over three days, but it seems much longer.  Our days have been so busy... things go by very fast and we need to think to remember what day it is.  We went for a walk around the islands last night and found a small grocery store.  It doesn't compare to the big grocery store we visited in the city two days ago.  Shopping in a big Chinese grocery store is... an experience.  We took a tour in the city yesterday and visited a Buddist Monestary.  Alaina was blessed by one of the Monks.  Between the crowds, the nice buildings, the poor areas, and the Asian Games (Asian Olympics)... it's alot for all three of us to take in.  Our room here at the White Swan feels like home.  It's the place we come back to and crash out after all of our outings.  There has been alot of visits to different government agencies on the Chinese side to complete the adoption.  However, we now have her adoption certificate which means she is officially ours.  Now we just need to work on the visa and passport so that we can return wth her.  It's almos 8:30 here and time to get ready for breakfast.

William, Christina, and Alaina

Daddy's Girl already!!!


Sweet Baby Girl!


1 comment:

  1. I love these warms my heart to finally see you with your daughter Christina. Miracles do happen to good people. Enjoy & treasure every moment because the time flies so fast and they are only little once! There are many nights of little sleep, lots of ups and downs but one things for sure...being a mother is the Best job in the world!
